Export Time

A laughter of relief, followed by a spontaneous little speech as we raised our glasses of ice cold orange juice on a hot humid day, was a very appropriate way to celebrate what felt like a huge accomplishment to all of us. Our coffee had grown beautifully this year, it had been harvested ripely, processed meticulously, packed carefully, and sent on its way to Yangon through the night in a packed transport truck down the poorly built mountain roads. When it arrived at our doorstep in the early morning, it still seemed unreal that this would mark the day of our big export. And when it was finally taken to the port and all the papers were signed, it still felt like a miracle, that all of it had worked out. As we were standing together in a circle and sharing and laughing about all the bits and pieces along the way we were once again overwhelmed by how this coffee had brought all of us together and now into this very room at this special moment. We thought of all the farmers, and all our leaders, who had worked so hard, locked up on the coffee mountain during COVID season. We thought of our office staff who had been trying to make the numbers work and adapt to every new challenge that had come up out of the blue. We thought of our buyers who would soon receive beautifully processed and sorted coffee beans. We thought of all the people that would have a our coffee and think about Myanmar with a smile on their face. And we thought of the one who allowed the coffee to grow and ripen, just as we have been growing in this whole process. This is our second coffee harvest. The amount of coffee has more than doubled, our team has grown in numbers and expertise and our network around the globe has also expanded. So we have reason to celebrate. Our co-founders Dave and Louise Sinclair-Peters have just arrived in Canada. If you live or work in Canada and are interested in our coffee, our story, or in meeting the Sinclair-Peters during the next couple of months, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We would love to get connected with you. Until then we are hoping for smooth sailing across the ocean for our precious Myanmar specialty coffee.

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Our team at Blue Ocean shipping company, our partners in international shipping logistics, ensuring our coffee arrives in Vancouver, Canada by the end of the month.

Our team at Blue Ocean shipping company, our partners in international shipping logistics, ensuring our coffee arrives in Vancouver, Canada by the end of the month.


A Coffee Partnership Brewed in Paris